Tag Archives: abroad

We’ve All Got Motive

A couple months ago, I was sitting in the top bunk of my hostel, bundled under blankets and half hanging off the bed to chat with my English roommate. We noticed something; we are about the same age, and we are part of a small demographic of backpackers. Not only that, there seemed to be a correlation between age, and why you were traveling. Granted, those age lines could blur, such as having a ‘gap year’ before you start University, or after University, and before grad school or the dreaded real world.  In this episode of CSI: Travel, here are ‘6 Motivators’ that we came up with:


AGE: Late Teens to Late 20’s
REASON FOR TRAVEL: Usually on a Working Holiday trying to get some money together while they travel. Usually “saving” for something, or getting career experience abroad.


AGE: Early to mid 20’s
REASON FOR TRAVEL: Study Abroad, Learning a specific topic, or on a short travel stint between semesters.


AGE: Early to late 20’s
REASON FOR TRAVEL: Something went south back home (lost job, family member passed away.) On several occasion’s its been the ex caught with the best friend, where they go off to build/rebuild their life without the insignificant other.


AGE: Mid to late 20’s
REASON FOR TRAVEL: Along for the ride! Significant other/family member/best friend planed the trip and wanted a travel companion.


AGE: All ages
REASON FOR TRAVEL: To discover something. They set out with no goal or destination, but want to explore who they really are, and search for truth (either on a personal or spiritual level.)


AGE: All ages
REASON FOR TRAVEL: Its been a lifelong dream to [fill in your deepest world travel desire here]. Be it see animals on safari in Africa, climb the Sydney harbour bridge, or learn to make pasta from an Italian chef in Italy, there is a reason you are in the area and a direct goal you are trying to achieve.

I would like to give a shout out to Oli, who spent an afternoon with me bouncing the ideas back and forth.