Rome Day 2: wasn’t built in a day and we couldn’t see it all in a day. 

Our second day of exploring in Rome started with a trip to the Vatican, which we splurged on a tour so that we could go into the special ‘tour only’ areas. I held my breath as I walked in, didn’t burst into flames, considered myself safe, and continued on.

The Vatican City could be covered in a day on its own. The statues and art throughout were, literally, marvellous.


The Map room

We ran through, doing what justice we could with the tour guide, warned multiple times that the Sistine Chapel is a sacred place, and they require modest dress, silence, and no pictures. Once in the chapel there was a loud hum of the hundred plus people discussing the art around the walls, and mainly the pinnicle, Michaelangelos famous painting of God creating Adam on the cealing. The guards had to announce ‘Silence!’ At least 3 times just while we were in the room, and there were countless cameras going off. I’m sure by now they are sick of tourists.


Mum in front of the Vatican. Really we were looking out for Ewan McGregor.

The tour gave us the ability to exit the Sistine chapel and visit the sarcofogi of the previous popes, exiting the tombs into Saint Peters Basilica.

We stopped by the gift store and I picked up a Saint Christopher charm to accompany my Maori Koru, Viking compass charm, and other cultural “protector of travellers” pendants. Better safe than sorry, right?

The next stop was the Pantheon. The ancient exterior contrasts from the renisaunce-style basilica interior. Once again, Epic architecture.


The Pantheon

From the Pantheon, we went to the Trevi Fountain. It’s about a 7 minute walk. The fountain is beautiful. Neptune on his shell in the middle, with winged horses on either side representing the rough and calm waters of the ocean. Three words: wide angle lens. It’s much bigger than I thought it would be. We stayed for a couple minutes then continued on our marathon of Rome.


The Trevi Fountain

About another 15 minute walk (7 minutes beyond the pantheon in the other direction,) is the Piaza Navona with 3 fountains along a long courtyard.


Piaza Navona

We finished our journey at Pizza Florida, a recommendation by a friend which I’m glad we took. The pizza has ruined me for life, and I will never be able to go back to frozen pizzas… At least not without a slight quiver.

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